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How to remove ticks from boxes 2 and 3 on page TR 6

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How to remove ticks from boxes 2 and 3 on page TR 6

Created Date

13th October 2015


IRIS Personal Tax


IRIS is automatically ticking boxes 2 and 3 on page TR 6 of the main Tax Return, how can these ticks be removed?


Users are required to: 1. Log on to IRIS Personal Tax and select the client 2. Click the Reliefs tab, select Miscellaneous, Tax Calculation then Tax Code and Underpaid, Overpaid and Repaid Tax 3. Tick the box – Collect unpaid tax through tax code (this will remove the X from box 2) 4. Tick the box – Collect non-paye tax for next year through tax code (this will remove the X from box 3)

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