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How can Debtors more than 1 year be shown on the face of the Balance sheet?

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How can Debtors more than 1 year be shown on the face of the Balance sheet?

Created Date

11th December 2015


IRIS Accounts Production


How can Debtors more than 1 year be shown on the face of the Balance sheet?


For debtor amounts falling due after more then one year postings will need to be made to account 635. If the FRSSE is being utilised then this disclosure will not automatically appear. Select Edit | Data Screens | Small Companies | FRSSE KB12209 | How can Debtors more than 1 year be shown on the face of the Balance sheet? If the field is left blank ALL Debtors will be shown together as Debtors on the Balance Sheet. If the field is completed with a TICK, Debtors will be split between Debtors within one year and Debtors MORE than one year in accordance with UITF4.

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