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Who do I contact if I have a technical query with FRS 102(1A), 101,105, or IFRS?

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Who do I contact if I have a technical query with FRS 102(1A), 101,105, or IFRS?

Created Date

15th February 2016


IRIS Accounts Production


Who do I contact if I have a technical query with FRS 102 (inc. 1A), FRS 101, FRS 105 or IFRS?


If your query relates to a specific FRS 102 (inc. 1a), FRS 101, FRS 105 or IFRS question please contact your professional body technical advisory line. For the ACCA: ACCA UK Technical Advice and Support Telephone: 020 7059 5920 Email: For the ICAEW: ICAEW Technical Resources Telephone: 01908 248 250 For ICAS: ICAS Technical Query Service Telephone: 0131 347 0240 If you are an AAT member please contact the ICAEW technical advisory

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