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How to change your customer reference number and enter new licence details

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How to change your customer reference number and enter new licence details

Created Date

15th September 2017



How to change your customer reference number and enter new licence details


To update your system please follow the instructions below. You will need to remove your existing licences first
1. To access the licences screen Select Tools and Licence Details from the main menu
2. Select the current licences tab, then select the licences which are present and select remove licences.
3. Then Close out of the IRIS Main Menu
4. From the Main Menu, select File at the top and on the drop down menu select System Maintenance.
5. On the system maintenance screen, select System and on the drop down select Customer reference number.
6. Here you will be prompted to change your customer reference number to the new one. Enter the new number.
7. return to your Main Menu and select the licence details option.
8. Now select Update Licences tab.
9. Select the check for updates button and this will bring up your new licences. Once they appear select the relevant ones and choose the ‘Activate’ button.

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