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When Posting, message appears "Is posting date correct?"

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When Posting, message appears "Is posting date correct?"

Created Date

29th October 2004


IRIS Accounts Production


When posting the following message may appear: Is posting date correct? [Yes]/ [No]


This may occur due to the ‘Default Posting Date’ or ‘Year/Period End Date’ being incorrect 1. Default Posting Date Select, Posting | Post Within the Posting screen select Batch Control | New, click the magnifying glass next to ‘Default posting date’ and select an appropriate date (in most situations this will be the Year End date). 2. Year/Period End Date Select, Posting | Post File Maintenance | Entries Select the Posting Entry and click [Change] then click the magnifying glass next to the ‘Account period end date’ OR ‘Previous period end date’ and amend as appropriate. If problems persist please contact IRIS Support.

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