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PTP Cannot Get Logical Lock Fail Code 5 on ISOL0007.TTL

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PTP Cannot Get Logical Lock Fail Code 5 on ISOL0007.TTL

Created Date

7th September 2011



It has been identified that when trying to access any PTP Accounts module on a machine, in some instances the following error can occur : Cannot get logical Lock. Fail code 5 on ISOL0007.TTL

NOTE : One or both of the session login files have become corrupted and need to be reset.


Following the steps below may resolve the issue with the session login files.


1. Ensure everyone is logged out of PTP Accounts Production.

2. Select Start | PTP Software | Utilities | PTP Software File Recovery

3. A white IRIS Utilities screen will be displayed.

4. Click Fix, Click Reset Session Control and then Click Yes to Confirm.

5. Exit IRIS Utilities and retry PTP Accounts

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