Personal Tax- Amount in SA103s profit/loss most equal the sum of SA103s Turnover-SA103s Other income etc. Also Expenses missing on self employment page. 3001 6176
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Personal Tax- Amount in SA103s profit/loss most equal the sum of SA103s Turnover-SA103s Other income etc. Also Expenses missing on self employment page. 3001 6176
Created Date
25th August 2022
IRIS Personal Tax- Amount in SA103s profit/loss most equal the sum of SA103s Turnover-SA103s Other income etc. Also Expenses missing on self employment page. 3001 6176
When you generate or submit the tax return you get this error: AND the expenses for the Sole trader are missing from the self employment pages eg box 20 (short page SES1 and the Full pages) and if you submit you get 3001 6176.
If you have TWO or more Sole Trade Businesses and one has claimed the trading allowance and one has claimed normal expenses. This is not permitted, HMRC rules state: if you are claiming the trading income allowance on 1st trade, this would preclude users from claiming any expenses on their second trade, or any trade. You cannot claim both the Trading Income allowance and expenses between the multiple trades. You need to decide which to keep either the trading allowance (keep the box ticked) OR the expenses (Untick the Trading allowance claim).
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