Personal Tax- HMRC has provided Class 1 Total NICable earnings of XXXX (linked to NIC1)
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Personal Tax- HMRC has provided Class 1 Total NICable earnings of XXXX (linked to NIC1)
Created Date
23rd June 2022
IRIS Personal Tax: Exception Report- HMRC has provided Class 1 Total NICable earnings of XXXX
These exceptions warnings are automatically generated if your PT HMRC Data retrieval is switched on- they are simply asking you to double check the NIC calculations (if its even relevant for your client).
If you believe your NIC figures are correct then you can still submit. These Exceptions will not block your submission and they cannot be suppressed.

To manually enter class 1 NIC: Employment/ Highlight and double click on Employment/ and enter the values under Class 1 Earnings from P60
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