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Report to Show all Client Email Addresses

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Report to Show all Client Email Addresses

Created Date

4th March 2021



Report to show all client Email Addresses


To access this report you will first need to go to the client browser screen as shown below and select the fourth symbol highlighted which is called Generate Client List report. The client browser screen is accessible on any module within the IRIS Accountancy Suite.

image | Report to Show all Client Email Addresses

Within the Columns tab you will need to ensure that Email Address is selected. In the options you also need to ensure Show all Phone/Fax numbers is selected. The rest of the options are customisable dependant on your preferences.

image 1 | Report to Show all Client Email Addresses

Note: If you are using the old client browser screen which has the colour grey rather than blue this report is still available via the steps below:

To run a report to show all client email addresses please follow the steps below – Within the client browser of any Iris Accountancy Suite module | Click Print – Client List | On the screen which appears, select the options required for your report | ‘Show all ‘phone/FAX numbers’ will need to be selected on the Options tab | Within the columns tab E-mail address(es) will need to be selected | Click OK to run the report

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