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Timesheet's starting on the wrong day

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Timesheet's starting on the wrong day

Created Date

28th January 2020



A member of staff has changed timesheet length or hours and now the timesheet does not land on the correct end day or start on the correct day.


To change this you will need to create a timesheet to cover the day you have and end it on the correct end day.

For example, if you are running Timesheets from Monday to Sunday, but someone has started from Tuesday, you will need to create the next time sheet to run Tuesday-Sunday timesheet. That way, the next timesheet will run from Monday-Sunday.

  • Login to IRIS as MASTER
  • Open Time
  • Select Options | Time Ledger
  • Go to the Time Entry tab
  • Tick “Variable” in the “Timesheet Length” section
  • Click Ok
  • Create a timesheet that ends on Sunday
  • Follow steps 1-6 again but select Tick “Week” in the “Timesheet Length” section

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