Trying to find a tax tags for Automail
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Trying to find a tax tags for Automail
Created Date
14th January 2020
When making an Automail letter for figures to be brought down from tax, the tags are not always obvious to what should be used in the letter.
The easiest way to determine what values the tags represent, is to find a client where you know what each of the figures are already and then compare the acronyms to the tags.
In Automail, you do this by clicking;
- Clients
- Search for the client, highlight and then click view
- Tax summary
- Make sure you have the up to date figures by clicking ‘Refresh’
- Scroll to the bottom and you will see the acronyms and figures

All tags in Automail will be preceded by ‘LMCL’ and then the same acronym/abbreviation as shown in the tax figures.
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