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Why Do I Get a Brought Forward Entry on Statements?

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Why Do I Get a Brought Forward Entry on Statements?

Created Date

18th February 2021



Why do i get a brought forward entry on statements?


A statement is a document sent to a client to display the debt amount due. For example, to list invoices that a client has not paid. This document can be produced in the Fees Ledger based upon the fees postings. It is possible to have a brought forward posting on each type of statement in Fees, whether it is recent items or unmatched items.

The reasons for this differ slightly depending on which option has been selected. To select either unmatched or recent items statements:

  • Log into IRIS Fees from the IRIS Main Menu
  • Click on Reports | Client Documents | Statements
  • The Bulk Statements Screen will be displayed
  • Select the relevant option in statement type, For example recent items or unmatched items.

Recent Items

A recent items statement is used to show a list of all debtor postings (matched or unmatched) covering a user defined period. For example, to show a list of invoices and receipts posted in the last 2 months. If a posting is listed that is part matched or fully matched to a posting that lies outside this period then a brought forward posting is displayed to make the statement balance. For example, if a posting 5 months old is still outstanding, it will be shown as a brought forward figure, as it does not lie in the two months period. To resolve this you could use one of the following options:

  • Make the period selection longer e.g. instead of two months select three months.
  • Fully match the invoice, further information on this is available HERE
  • Use the Unmatched Items Selection.

Unmatched Items

An unmatched items statement displays postings on a client account that are outstanding. An unmatched items statement may show a brought forward entry if a posting listed in the statement is part matched to a posting not listed on the statement. As a result the brought forward entry is needed to make the statement balance. For example, invoices that are due to be paid. A brought forward figure will be displayed if an item has been post matched. For example, an invoice is posted for £1000 and you have received a receipt of £600 and matched it to the invoice. A brought forward of -£600 will be displayed and invoice will be displayed with a value of £1000, giving a balance of £400. The date on the brought forward posting is the date of the earliest unmatched Fees posting in the earliest Fees period. To resolve this you could do one of the following options:

  • Fully Match the invoice, further information on this is available HERE
  • Use the Recent Items Selection

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