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IRIS Charity Formats Knowledge Base

14 articles


IRIS Charity Formats

Why do Governance costs show under Support costs for Charity accounts on SOFA?

Governance costs will now show under the Support Costs section in the notes to the accounts. The charts of accounts…


IRIS Charity Formats

Why must an Activity be selected when posting to some accounts?

Within the Charity Chart of Accounts specified groups (groups 26 and 101) must have an 'Activity' selected when posting. These…


IRIS Charity Formats

Where do I enter the Charities Registered Number?

Select: Client | View | Select Tax Tab | Enter in Charity Number


IRIS Charity Formats

When running a report why do I get the message that my Funds do not balance?

As each Fund is treated as an individual Trial Balance each Fund MUST balance individually. Please ensure the following checks…