Stay ahead with Staffology Payroll’s updates (Dec 23)

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What's new in Staffology Payroll?

About this December 2023 Staffology Payroll webinar:

We aim to help you stay ahead with Staffology Payroll’s updates for Dec 23!

Join us for a Staffology Payroll product update for December 2023, where we cover:

➼ Staffology vision and strategy
➼ Staffology roadmap
➼ An overview and demonstration of new features
➼ An update from our customer service team
➼ Platform stability and performance testing update
➼ Staffology HR update

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Alex Hay – Product Management Team Leader, IRIS Software Group

Grant Burdon – Software Engineer Manager, IRIS Software Group

Jon Low – Product Management Manager, IRIS Software Group

Thomas Derbyshire – Senior Customer Support Manager, IRIS Software Group

David Bloxham – Product Content Designer, IRIS Software Group

Check out our Stay ahead with Staffology Payroll’s latest updates for May 2024