Top Tips: How to engage your parents
Research has shown that when parents get involved with what their children are doing in school, academic results improve as well as student attendance. So, we've put together some great ideas used by successful schools, to help you get parents engaged over the next school year:
We’re learning about…
Let parents know what their children will be learning about this term. By doing this you’re more likely to encourage conversations at home about it. In a programme run by academics from Bristol and Harvard universities, researchers found that regular communications to parents about upcoming:
- School exams and tests
- What we’re doing in class next week
- Information on homework
- Updates on how their child is doing in class
and more, was the most effective way to improve exam results.
Forms, Forms, Forms
With the start of a new school year and new pupils arriving, comes all those data collections, permissions and other forms which need to be printed, distributed, collected and actioned – which is a lot of work. That’s why schools are switching to our online Forms application which allows them to use templated forms (or create their own!) and send them electronically to parents - and receive responses in minutes. What’s more, reports can be produced which allow them to see all the results in an easy spreadsheet.
Regular reminders and updates
With students moving up a year, things will have changed! Are new clubs available? Have classrooms changed? Do pupils need to bring PE kit in on a different day? Whatever’s going on this term, help parents and students out by sending regular reminders as and when things happen. You can set up text messages to go out in advance, so if you want to remind parents of something the day before it happens, or even that morning, you can set it up at the start of term and not worry about it again!
Involve the PTA!
Many schools give their PTA access to ParentMail as it’s a great way to reach parents and make them aware of fundraising events. As well as sending parents information and updates, they can also send out event invitations which parents can accept, so that you’ll know how many people to expect and even send last minute reminders to fill any remaining spaces.
Pssst … sometimes the PTA will contribute to the cost of ParentMail!
The easiest way to pick up school messages…
Now is a great time to encourage parents to download the ParentMail App. It’s FREE and means they’ll get every message or reminder from you instantly and straight into their hands - there’s no better way of staying in touch.
We’ve got a template letter to parents you can use and some new App posters for you to put up in school, all available from your help site.
Are you using all our applications? With ParentMail, you have access to a range of applications which means you can send your parents all their school communications from one platform and improve your parent engagement. Get in touch today and we’ll provide a free demonstration or a free trial of our software to you. Call 01733 595959 or email and we’ll be in touch!