Auto enrolment summary from The Pensions Regulator [Infographic]
Each year, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) release an executive summary in their commentary and analysis document. This provides a great visual snapshot to see the previous year in auto enrolment.
The following infographic, taken from the graphics used in the annual automatic enrolment commentary and analysis 2015 document explains the current facts and figures surrounding auto enrolment including how many companies completed their declaration of compliance between April 2014 and March 2015.
There is also a good number of interesting facts surrounding auto enrolment. Did you know that 51.7% of employers that completed their declaration of compliance since 2012 used postponement?
Click below to download the entire free infographic.
You can find out more about auto enrolment by visiting our auto enrolment insight page for more on the legislation, training and auto enrolment software.