
Our guides cover a wide range of topics; from legislation to software specific advice, there's something to benefit every business.

245 guides

Your guide to supporting school transitions

For many, school transitions are a positive experience - the start of something new is exciting. But for others, transitions…

Workforce management systems for schools and trusts 

Discover a range of ideas, approaches and solutions to help schools and trust improve workforce management.  This exclusive free guide…

Navigating the stormy waters of exam season with EdTech 

Public examinations have always brought with them an enormous amount of stress for students and staff alike.  However, despite exams…

Acknowledging the challenges of staff shortages and putting plans in place to address them 

UK schools face an unprecedented skills shortage.   Teachers are leaving the profession in record numbers, with many more long-term absences…

Getting the most out of a cashless catering system

Across the UK, schools have embraced the move to cashless catering, providing students and families with a more convenient way…

Accountancy software buyer's guide: unlock your firm's full potential 

In today's digital age, where efficiency and accuracy reign supreme, selecting the right software is paramount for the success of…

How schools can take a smarter, more connected approach to safeguarding  

According to the National Governance Association, 55% of schools across the country reported an increase in safeguarding concerns in 2023,…

A complete guide to payroll outsourcing solutions

Understand your managed payroll requirements and find an outsourced payroll solution that works. Download our comprehensive free guide to payroll…

Payroll Bureau software buyer’s guide

Whether you want to fine-tune your payroll bureau service or grow your client list, the right payroll bureau software makes…

Step change your HR function with cloud HR software 

Technology is shaking up the HR world.  Remember when HR was all about piles of paperwork, endless filing cabinets and…

Essential guide for business growth: Recruitment

Download your essential guide to recruitment (IRIS Success Kit) Businesses are struggling with recruitment due to a shortage of skilled…

HR handbook: how to retain top talent in a modern workforce 

Recruitment has been a major challenge ever since the pandemic.  As of writing this page, vacancies are still 25% higher…