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Personal, Business, Trust Tax- How to Import a Client's Extract

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Personal, Business, Trust Tax- How to Import a Client's Extract

Created Date

12th November 2021


IRIS P11D, IRIS Business Tax, IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Trust Tax


IRIS Personal, Business, P11D and Trust Tax: How to Import an Extract into the IRIS tax?


If you get the extract from eg another accountant/office then always check their IRIS version matches your IRIS version (Help and About) – if they do not match then it can cause issues when importing.

How to get a client extract – Load client in the tax program, client and extract/export (If you need extract from BT client, then run these steps in AP). Choose where to save it on your pc etc and continue. It will appear as a XFR/BUP/XML file.

NOTE: Do not edit the extracts name when you save it to your pc. Eg if its originally named JSMITH.XFR, then dont edit the name to MRJSMITH.XFR. as this can cause issues/errors when importing the extract. If you do need to edit the client ID then load the client and Client, View and ‘CHANGE ID’.

Personal Tax – the extract is called a XFR file eg JSMITH.XFR

  1. You will need a copy of the clients ‘XFR’ File saved onto your pc.(This XFR extract comes from- Client/export or extract) Note down the ID name
  2. If the client already exists in PT (has the exact same ID name as the XFR) – Load the client on PT, Client, Import, find the XFR file on your pc, and OK, say yes to the pop ups. Once completed now check the clients entries. No data shows for a imported client: a common issue is that the ID code from the XFR is not identical to the ID you just created so you now have 2 similar clients in PT (one has the data, the other has none) so please read point 3).
  3. If the client doesn’t exist or doesn’t match exactly the ID, then a new client will be added into PT: Client, Import, find the XFR file on your pc, and OK, say yes to the pop ups. Once completed, go to Client, Select, search by the XFR ID code and not the full name.

Business Tax – the extract is called a BUP file eg LTDCOMPANY.BUP

  1. You will need a copy of the clients ‘BUP’ File saved onto your pc (This BUP extract can ONLY be exported from Accounts Production and not BT- Client/export or extract). Note down the ID name and the business type (eg: LTD, Partner)
  2. Load Accounts Production. Before importing – The client ‘name’ must already exist in Accounts Production (has the same ID name as the BUP your trying to import).Once you have created the business with same ID/name/type. Load the client on AP, Client, Replace, find the BUP file on your pc, and OK, say yes to the pop ups. Once completed, check if the Director, Partners etc. exist within the business (Client, View, Related and Involvements) – if they are missing then add them in and check the entries in AP. Also load the client in BT and check the entries.
  3. I cannot find the newly imported client in BT?: Client, Select, Registered in: Whole Practice- all Clients. Now find the client.

Trust Tax – the extract is called a XML file eg TRUST.XML

  1. You will need a copy of the clients ‘XML’ File saved onto your pc. Note down the ID name and Trust Type
  2. Before Importing The client name MUST already exist in Trust tax (It has the same ID/Type name as the XML). Once you have created the Trust with same ID/name/Type. Load the client on TT, Client, Replace, find the XML file on your pc, and OK, say yes to the pop ups. Once completed, check if the Trustees and beneficiaries etc. exist within the business (Client, View, Related and Involvements) – if they are missing then have to manually add them in, allocate any income between them all and check the entries in TT.

P11D extract – If the company already exists in AP/BT and the staff also exist in PT, then follow the steps for PT and BT to extract the XFR and BUP data (as you need the Client PT data and also the Business BUP data). Do ensure you import the PT clients first and then import the AP client data next. In the P11D, client select and choose ‘Whole practice all clients’ and find the company and load it. However if the company/staff only exists in the P11D – eg They do not exist in your BT/PT files, and you need to move the data to a new database/location then it is faster just to create it again as a new P11D company and manually add back in the employees/directors and benefits.

When importing a XFR into PT, it crashes with warning ‘library error-1’– PT may also auto close, please reload PT and now manually find the client from the client select list, when you load it then check all the income data is there. Also make sure you load the correct client ID(from the XFR) as you could be loading the incorrect client which has no income data. If the client cannot be found: check where you got the XFR from (eg another party who also uses IRIS), then ask what IRIS version (help and about) are they on, it has to match your version of IRIS and then request a new XFR be sent to you.

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