Knowledge Base Articles

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IRIS GP Payroll Knowledge Base

253 articles


IRIS GP Payroll

Calculating Directors National Insurance in GP Payroll

Directors' NI Calculation The ability to calculate Directors’ NI has been added to GP Payroll. This is due to a…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Adding a payroll "Ghost Week" to realign pay dates

In this situation you need to run a payroll "Ghost Week". This will allow you to get your payroll pay…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

What are insufficient earnings? AE FAQs

An employee listed as having insufficient earnings is being paid below the level at which AE contributions will be taken. That…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Why is my director not paying any NI?

Remember, if you flag someone as a director from the start of the Tax Year they will be subject to…


IRIS GP Payroll

Plain Paper Payslip Issue: Salary missing, slip showing negative Net pay

To prevent this behaviour we need to enable an option in the employee pay details. Go to "Change Employee Details" |…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Marriage Allowance in PAYE Payroll - M & N Tax Codes

Not to be confused with the "Married Couple's Allowance", which only applies if one of the partners was born before…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Reason for late reporting

The HMRC require that FPS submissions are received on or before the pay date. You are seeing this message because the…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ, IRIS P11D Organiser, , IRIS GP Accounts

Tax limited to 50% of all taxable pay

In the 2105/16 tax year HMRC changed the legislation on all tax codes so the maximum amount of tax is…


IRIS GP Payroll

Cyclical Re-Enrolment - IRIS GP Payroll

This short BiteSize session covers:1. What is Cyclical Re-Enrolment?2. Employer Duties 3. Who is Automatically Re-enrolled? 4. Communications 5. Opting Out 6.…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Professional, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ, IRIS GP Payroll

My RTI submissions are continuously polling

The submission will continuously poll if your system isn't getting a response from the HMRC Gateway. This is usually because…