Knowledge Base Articles

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IRIS GP Accounts Knowledge Base

56 articles


IRIS GP Accounts

DBISAM #8961 or #9862 Corrupt Table Header Error

The error is normally easily corrected by running the Emergency Repair option as below: If you can get into the…


IRIS GP Accounts

How to alter practice contact details on invoices

Go to "Open Fees Register" > "Fees Setup" > "Letters/Email" > "Edit Practice Details"


IRIS GP Accounts

“Error: list index out of bounds (-1)” when opening an NHS Item.

This error is caused from an old issue in the software which has now been rectified.  If you are getting…


IRIS GP Accounts

DBISAM Engine Error # 12036 - The table or backup file 'Groups' is not valid

This error is caused by database corruption, usually when trying to run from a network location. With this error you…


IRIS GP Accounts

Error: Dates Selected are Outwith the minimum and maximum dates for this account

The issue will be due to the dates of the current financial year within the GP Accounts.  If the date…


IRIS GP Accounts

Interface Not Supported / Class Not Registered

Firstly - Go to "Help" > "Re-register Components" If this doesn't work, the software will need to be re-installed correctly.…


IRIS GP Accounts

How to Restore A Recovery Point and/or View Discrepancy Report

Viewing the Discrepancy Report If current reconciliation doesn't balance the first thing to do is to check the Discrepancy Report.…


IRIS GP Accounts

How to back up GP Accounts data

The Backup process Go to "File" | "Backup Accounts Data". A simple helper screen takes you through the backup process.…


IRIS GP Accounts

Adding an Account

Go to "Setup" > "To alter Accounts" Click "Add an Account" button. You will then be presented with the New…


IRIS GP Accounts

New items entered but they don't show in the cashbook

You may have passed the end of your financial year but have the Cashbook view set to “Current Year only”.…